Multichannel video, Full HD, colour, sound
Approx. 20’
'A plot hole is a gap or inconsistency in the storyline that contradicts or breaks the originally set narrative logic.'
In an abstract visual set-up of doors, walls and windows, we watch an actor change into two different characters while a voiceover coordinates his movements.
The front- and backstage of the archetypal stage setting have been put up alongside each other. The voiceover describes the actions of the characters, just before but often simultaneously when these take place. This leads to absurd situations in which it is no longer clear whether the voice directs the actor or the actor, the voice.
On three screens, similar images are shown concurrently. The mutual nuances between scenes, differences in synchronicity or camera angles, only become apparent because of the repetition of the material. The film slowly builds up to an ending in which one of the characters wipes out the other characters world, culminating into a vast void of nothingness.
written and directed by Sarah & Charles
performed by Diederik Peeters
voice-over by Kate McIntosh
image and light by Hans Bruch Jr.
sound by Lieven Dousselaere
produced by Sarah & Charles
with the support of The Flemish Community, Kunstencentrum Buda, Kunstencentrum STUK, Hilife and O.C.A.M.