A collaborative architectural project with architects De Vylder Vinck Taillieu
This project was approached as a pragmatic research on the possible meaning of public space, borders and potentiality of public space. Six architects and six artists were asked to design a shelter for a specific spot alongside a busy traffic vein called N16, running from Mechelen to Bornem. Together with architects De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, Sarah & Charles created a white platform around an abandoned house, lifting the architecture of the house onto a concrete stage for people to access.
with Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu i.c.w. Sarah & Charles, OFFICE Kersten Geers David Van Severen i.c.w. Michael Van den Abeele , Philippe Vander Maren i.c.w. Richard Venlet , Robbrecht & Daem architects i.c.w. Valérie Mannaerts, uapS i.c.w. Wesley Meuris, Tractor collective Peter Aerts, Denis Dujardin, Honoré δ'O, Lore Perneel, Luc Reuse, Frank Vande Veire, Hugo Vanneste and Dirk Zoete.
a collaboration of CC Ensign, CC Kollebloem, CC Ter Dilft and CC Mechelen.

pictures by Filip Dujardin