Single channel video, Full HD, color, dolby sound
Duration: 25 minutes, 17 seconds
'A contemporary tale about the friendship between two middle-aged women who get trapped in a wormhole between the first and last moment they've met.'
The film starts with the encounter of two adolescent girls, Ona and Cecilia, in the peaceful setting of a park. They talk about Martin, a boy they are both in love with. However, what follows tells an unusual story. Their conversation, at first innocent and banal, shifts to contemplations about shared memories, present observations and future thoughts they have seemingly already experienced. The concept of time experience is also treated in the subject of their conversation "I wonder, why can I remember my past, but not remember my future?" one of the girls asks. Then, the subject of the film itself becomes part of the narrative. ‘The fourth wall', so to speak, is pulled away when the illusion, fed by an extensive stylizing (an idyllic setting, attractive young people, soft colors and delicate music) is shattered; the voices of the girls appear to be dubbed in a recording studio by two different woman. The conversation feels unnatural and the directors do little effort to conceal this. Although the viewer chooses to forget, he is constantly reminded that everything is staged.
With the three contrasting film genres; fiction, documentary and making of, handled in the film, the artists create an extensive web of layers. The viewer is invited to construct the storyline himself, shifting between these genres, giving significance and meaning to the story the protagonists move trough.
written and directed by Sarah & Charles and co-written by Benjamin Deboosere.
with Bettee Molnar, Stine Sampers, Elsa May Averill, Bryana Fritz, Damien Chapelle, Emeline Depas, Arthur Egloff, Caroline Daish and Duby.
director of photography Hans Bruch jr.
original score by Lieven Dousselaere.
music performed by Kinderlandkoor Kortrijk
edited by Gert van Berckelaer.
sound edit, foley recording & mix: Matthias Hillegeer.
post-production image by Mikros Image Brussels
produced by O.C.A.M. and Untitled Production
with the support of The Flanders Audiovisual Fond (VAF), Netwerk/centrum for contemporary art, arts center Buda, arts center Vooruit

pictures by Bettee Molnar

Festival screenings:
2015 21st Short Film Festival, Leuven, (BE)
2015 42nd Film Festival Ghent, Vooruit, Ghent (BE)
pictures by Stine Sampers

storyboard drawings by Thomas Ebraert

set drawings by Thomas Ebraert
music by Lieven Dousselaere.

poster designed by Obselete